Monday, July 5, 2010

Where have I been??

I can't believe I haven't posted on my blog since May. Wow. So where have I been and what have I been doing? Well, I guess most of my time these days is going to my schoolwork as I've decided to take a class at the local community college to decide if I want to pursue a Culinary Arts Degree. So very random, isn't it? So, I am currently taking the mandatory Safety & Sanitation class and it is's school. So I have to read and study, take quizzes and do homework and it's cutting in on my blog time. This Fall I start the actual cooking class. School hasn't squelched all my scrapbooking time though and thanks to a few long crops I do have some layouts to share. Crazy Cousins. This layout I did at the retreat but I FINALLY added the journaling and added a few embellishments to add a little interest.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! I am so excited for you, going back to school (I'd say "proud" but then I sound too motherly). I have missed seeing your layouts and hearing from you, but I can understand how busy life can be, especially with classes! Love the way this turned out, the stitching is so cool!
