Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reposting my first layout

My very first layout that I posted on my blog did not have the second page to it so I'm reposting it now - also so it looks like I've done something new. ;)

A layout to share

Okay, here is a layout I've had done for a while (a few weeks) but it seems the longest part of this process now is getting it posted on here. I need one of those bluetooth cameras that uploads pictures to your computer just by being near it as this business of needing the memory card in multiple places is dragging me down. Anyway, the's the deal. As one of my latest tasks was organizing all my photos I have found old photos that missed getting scrapbooked. The pictures in this layout are from Halloween 2006. It's a drag to go backwards but it would be a bigger drag to have this memory lost or put in a shoe box so here is my layout. Sleep or Treat! :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mother's Day Card

Here is a Mother's Day card I created. Not much to it but I liked it and wanted to show that I have been doing stuff. :)

Finally I'm posting a layout!

Okay, so it's been a while since my last post, but to show I have been scrapbooking I'm posting this layout I did recently of my trip to Ireland. I had all the pictures from this trip in an album but thought it would be nice to have a layout of the highlights of the trip to go in our travel album. I completed the 2 pages a few weekends ago but journaling always seems to hold me up. So tonight I quickly wrote down my thoughts in the journaling spaces and considered this done and ready to post. Here it is.